Untitled Rooms (series)

Through this series of computer generated images, I aimed to explore the power of space - from domestic interior to street view, and eventually to the nature - which has unspeakable power, strong yet subtle, altering us in every second, changing who we are, or to say, participating in the forming of ourselves. Such power sometimes is void, sometimes contains the power of certain people, carefully designed to alter your in the way they wanted. Sometimes it contain the power that we gave to it, unconsciously, and it bounced back and act on us. On every cases, it can be a positive thing or negative, or both, but it is always there. Unfortunately, most of human being will never participate to the design of their surrounding space, that makes it utterly important to be aware of this power, and to appreciate it.

The space mentioned is not just about three-dimensional architectural space, it is everything compose to it - planes, textures, patterns, weight, intangible backgrounds. Sometimes I isolate them out of their ordinary context and experiment to what degree can they carry out the information and how it changes.

Title: You are earth No.II

Date: Dec 2016

Medium: Digital render

With a perfect sphere light source floating in the center, Chao digitally re-rendered a Louis Khan's world renowned architecture, the Salk Institute, into a new form of existence. The new existence can be only created through a virtual model and presented by 2-dimensional mediums, which are all opposite to the logic of an architecture. What if the human's need for space can be created by providers and satisfied by virtual/2-dimensional medium? Isn't that an easy utopia. 


Title: Untitled Room 1

Date: Jun 2018

Medium: Digital render


Title: Untitled Room 2

Date: Oct 2018

Medium: Digital render


Title: Untitled room 7 (but with furniture and wall decor)

Date: Oct 2018

Medium: Digital render


Title: Untitled room 8 (but with furniture and wall decor)

Date: Oct 2018

Medium: Digital render


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